Thursday July 18, 2024
Billy Barker Days is back, and this year will be from Thursday July 18th to Sunday July 21st!!
Join us Downtown Quesnel on Reid St for the Gold Dust Mall, lots of great vendors from all over BC!
Reid Street will be closing down on the 200 and 300 blocks at 5pm, on Wednesday July 17th to allow our vendors to start setting up to serve everyone Thursday for the start of Billy Barker Days!
If you are parked downtown, please be sure to leave the 200 or 300 blocks by 5pm!
Thank-you for your understanding
Please note that Barlow Ave will continue to be open to all traffic.
Get your form in early, by February 29th, to get $50 off!! (except One Day Vendors).
Scroll to the bottom for Not-For-Profit businesses.
Limited spaces available! For the Friday or Saturday.
Vendors who live outside of Quesnel, BC
Vendors who live within Quesnel, BC
Vendors who are located within the Quesnel Downtown Association Borders:
Any Not-For-Profit Vendors, regardless of location