Downtown Quesnel
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Our Downtown Businesses

We are continuously updating this list with all the current information for our downtown businesses. If we have missed something, please email us at:  Downtown Bucks Accepted Here = Downtown Bucks are accepted at this business.

Businesses in: Automotive

Airwalk Freightways Ltd.
Phone 4 - 345 St. Laurent Ave
Phone 250.992.6650
Cariboo Ford
Phone 266 Carson Ave
Phone 250.992.3673
Chevron Town Pantry
Phone 243 Carson Ave
Phone 250.991.5193
Four Rivers Coop
Phone 498 Front St
Fraser River GM
Phone 340 Carson Ave
Phone 250.992.5515
Petro Canada
Phone 205 McLean St
Phone 250-992-8696
Regency Autospa
Phone 184 Davie St
Phone 250.991.0997
Regency Chrysler
Phone 259 McLean St
Phone 250.992.9293

Find Us At:

246 St Laurent Ave
Quesnel BC 



Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
9am to 2pm


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